
The Value of Remote Therapy

I know the pandemic has changed so many things and you have likely been busy trying to figure it all out.  There have been changes to just about every area of life, navigating those changes and developing a new routine is a big task.  Hopefully, you have also been able to find the steadiness of things that have remained the same, because staying connected to things we can count on brings a lot of relief.

One thing that has changed, but also stayed the same is therapy.  Obviously I am not meeting with people in person, instead I’m using phone or video. At first, I was very unsure and nervous about what it would be like to do therapy through the airways relying on digital data bytes.  Hoping the technological connection would be smooth, while also wondering if the psychological connection would be there, had me filled with doubt.  But I had no choice but to give it a try and as I did I was pleasantly surprised.  

I realized that beyond just my ears and eyes straining through the devices, I am still able to be present with my clients through my head and my heart.  I am still able to offer validation, acceptance, new perspectives, tools and resources for building coping skills.  I am still able to feel the benefit of giving my clients both unconditional positive regard and things to add to the mental health tool kit.  I am still able to meet my clients’ needs and provide a valuable service.

One of my clients had this to say about remote therapy:
“I was pleasantly surprised by how useful our session proved last week, as I had been putting it off and assuming that remote therapy wouldn’t be as effective. Following the appointment, I felt the same sense of satisfaction and clarity that I would normally feel following an in-person session. I’ll definitely be making another remote therapy appointment soon.”

It may be that the topics we address in therapy now are a bit different from what we might have explored before COVID struck.  There may be new issues we can tend to or new vantages on old issues. There may be more pressing practical problems, such as paying the rent or more general anxiety over the state of the world.  There may be a need to develop mindfulness skills and tools for managing anxiety. Or the conditions of the pandemic could be creating another set of stressors with its impacts such as relationship strain, loneliness, substance abuse, or the use of unhealthy coping mechanisms. Whatever it is I’m here to work through it with you.

Now, perhaps more than ever, we need to be taking good care of ourselves and others. The uncertainty and isolation that is mandated by the viral pandemic could very likely lead to a pandemic of mental health problems. Let’s be proactive. See my page on COVID for more information. Or click here to schedule an appointment.

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